Express Yourself

Writing is hard. I don’t simply mean the grammatical aspect of writing (although grammar ain’t easy!), I mean the actual process of writing. Thoughts mix around in my mind during the quiet moments of the day. Usually, during those quiet moments, I am driving, buying groceries, etc. and I am not able to cease the activity to write my thoughts down–which sucks. This sucks because those are the moments when I reflect the most. This sucks because those ideas are the topics I want to write about. Those are the topics I want to share with the world because I think someone could benefit from reading about them. But, alas…when I return home or finish whatever task had been occupying my time, the thoughts which had traveled through my mind are long gone. Thus, leaving me with a blank canvas and no outline to start from.

I sit down to write and nothing substantial happens. I get frustrated because I can’t recall my previous topic ideas. Great topics with a great point to be made and appreciated. Instead, I will sit and write a draft of something that will more than likely never see the light of day, so to speak. I then feel as if I have wasted my time. If what I write doesn’t have an awesome point or awesome lines then I feel as though I should have been doing something more productive. With all that being said, I have realized that no matter what I write, at least I am expressing myself.

Unexpressed emotions will never die -Sigmund Freud

Releasing the words and emotions I have discreetly guarded inside is progression. Progression is important. I want to end the hold these stored emotions have had on me for so long, and writing has been my way of making this goal happen. Freud was correct in saying “unexpressed emotions never die.” Whatever pain is holing up inside of you will stay there until you express it. So, awesome point or not, I am still putting into words what was formerly hiding inside – releasing the unexpressed. I once read, “having your pen do the talking is the best way to harness your voice.” I can’t remember where I read this statement but it has stayed with me. This statement is powerful. This statement speaks to me as a writer. I can write into words what I struggle to vocalize. Maybe the pen will be your mighty weapon as well- be the tool which aides you in forcing out those buried emotions. Maybe, not. You may not enjoy writing. You may be a vocal person. You may express yourself in ways that I haven’t mentioned. Just remember that however you choose to express yourself, you are doing a great thing. You are choosing to mend your inner self. Which is such a wonderful choice to make.

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