The Beauty Discovered From A Plant

I found a small calibrachoa plant at the farm market this spring. I brought it home, planted it in a green pot, and placed it in my gnome garden. This pretty, little plant bloomed deep pink flowers all summer, adding rich color to my garden. Summer soon came to an end, ushering in chilly autumn winds. The autumn winds prompted leaves to fall from the trees and gather in my garden.

Leaves collected in piles until the trees were bare, and the time had come to rake them away. While tenderly clearing the leaves from my garden, I uncovered the forgotten potted plant with the pretty pink flowers. A gust of wind must have toppled over the calibrachoa and buried it amongst the leaves. The plant’s leaves were mostly brown and dried. One side of the plant had broken, and no flowers remained on the stems. Most would say the plant had no hope, but I couldn’t bring myself to give up so easily. I bought the flower inside for some warmth and some water. Within two months of regular watering and pruning, the plant had sprouted several green-leaved stocks, and had even bloomed a few new flowers to admire.

Watching this plant recover and grow inside my home, has been a beautiful process. Throughout this growth, I have concluded I can relate to this plant. I was a broken, neglected person in my youth. Like the plant, I survived without regular care, but my beauty and potential went unseen. I am nurturing myself and learning to grow with confidence, rather than merely surviving. I am branching out and trying new things, adding color to my life. I feel as though I am beginning to bloom. My hope is to one day, lean into the sunlight and share my beauty with the world.

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